I. Before getting out of bed each morning (and before going to sleep each evening), stretch your arms and legs to their limit. Point your toes towards the foot of the bed, point your outstretched arms towards the head of the bed, and stretch your body to its limits. Twist and turn your body in every possible direction, stretching every joint and muscle in your body simultaneously.


II. Still in bed, lying flat on your back, place your hands on your hips and lift your legs and lower torso into the air so that your weight is resting on your elbows and upper back. In this position, with your feet straight up, rotate your legs in the same manner as if you were riding a bicycle.
Continue the pedaling motion for 60 seconds.

III. In the sitting position, while still in bed, allow your head to droop forward with your chin as close to your chest as possible. Rotate your head to the left, then backward, to the right, and then forward. Repeat this circular rotation of the head several times, and then rotate the head in the opposite direction several times. Extend the head as far to the left and right, and as close to the chest and back as possible. Loosen up those neck joints!

stretching exercises


  1. Maham Says:
  2. Hello there! actually when i started to perform step 3 i experienced a sharp pain in the my neck (the front part) so it normal??

  3. Dinesh Says:
  4. from today i'm going to start all those ex's & let's see what happens
    it starting from age 22 height 5f1.5"

  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. slt et bonsoir monsieur je veux remercie pour ce blog mais je veut dire que je suit un homme d'une petite taille je mesure 1.67 cm et je veux gagner des centimetré 10 est ce que cé possible je confronte beaucoup des problème pour ceci plz est ce qu'il ya un espoir j'ais 20 ans est ce que ce programe m'aider de faire mon réve et j'aime savoir comment je peux faire pour crée une alimentation équilibré finalement est ce que je suis obligé de suivrez les étapes étape par étape c'est nécessaire ou nnn ne pas possible de commencer avec les exercices avancés je pass une semaine par ces exercice et je mesure méme plz aidez moi je soufre vraiment je soufre

  7. sanker Says:
  8. its really happens .....than sir what is the time duration that to increase height

  9. kiran.k.g. Says:
  10. thanku for good suggestion i will follow it.

  11. kiran.k.g. Says:
  12. i wil follow.thanku

  13. Unknown Says:
  14. my bed is too short for me to do the first stretch.

  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. till what period of time i have to carry this one and thus when shuld i move to another

  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. How exactly am I supposed to turn the body left or right when the legs and arms are stretched to their maximum? Human body is flat its not a sausage.

  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. starting today 7/14/12
    Age 15 height 5ft 7in

  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. starting from today.. 26/7/2012. hope for the best results.

  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. How many repatitons per day should I do ? And how many weeks should i do these primalary 1-3 exercices ?

  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. Thank you. Thank you for using your time to give us all this exercises. I certainly will be able to increase my height to my ultimate goal with these exercises. Thank you so much.

  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. I'm Henry.
    Age 25 height 5ft 2 in.
    My goal is 5ft 5 in.
    I'm starting today. September 1,2012
    I will achieve my goal and make progress report.
    God Bless You and Me. :)

  29. Unknown Says:
  30. 5"7. 22/10/2012

  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. im 23 & female...is it possible to grow 2 more inches at this age?

  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. can anybody answer my question..if yes then im gonna start this exercise

  35. neil potter Says:
  36. awesome blog! I'm going to do these now. i'm 5"6' and a half, average in my country (I'm actually taller than most people i know), but if i go oversees I'd probably look like a hobbit. -.-

    thank you for this! :)

  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. henry did u increase your height please let me know

  39. Unknown Says:

  40. I like most your article. Nowadays height problem become a big problem.
    Everyone wants to solve it,who is facing this problem .
    If you want to solve it as naturally, please visit: http://www.healthcareherbal.com/height-gainer.php


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